Halsey, an expectant singer, celebrates pregnant and postpartum bodies through the cover of her fourth studio album with the title “If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power”.
The idea of the whole album is centered on the horrors and joy of pregnancy and giving birth. This album was announced by Halsey back in January. She also states that the album is very important for it covers her whole journey during the past months.
She had this idea of symbolizing her body as some sexual being and at the same time a gift to her child. The cover of her album is her sitting on a throne with a crown and baby on her lap. She is wearing a mauve-colored gown with her left breast exposed showing how a true queen she is.
This also becomes Halsey’s way of reclaiming her own body and pride. During the past few years, she feels that her body belonged to the world in many ways. It’s Halsey’s powerful way of eradicating the social stigma revolving around breastfeeding and the female form.
Halsey revealed back in January on her official Instagram that she was expecting a child. She also posted several photos that makes up her pregnancy journey. She said in one of her interviews that “I want to be a mom more than I want to be a pop star”. We can’t imagine how happy Halsey is during the time she knew about her pregnancy, and we’re also very happy for her.