You probably want to know more about the life of being a model. You may also have wondered what being a model really is. Here are some of the facts about models to help you understand them more.
1. Models can eat healthy portions
Most people have the notion that models only eat 2 pieces of grapes and celery per day. Well, that is not always the case since the majority in the modeling industry eat normal and healthy food. They can even eat pizza with milkshakes side by side!
2. They also get homesick
The common age of models is between 15-23 years old. Some of them have to be away from their homes to walk on the runway for a month or more, depending on the project. They would be away from family, their bed, and the home-cooked food.
3. It is not as competitive as it seems
According to movies and the media, the modeling industry is very competitive. It’s an industry that’s often portrayed in a bad light. But, that’s not always the case since they can even form a quick friendship with the rookies and welcome them. Whenever they meet a new model, they remember the time when they were starting with their career.
4. Modeling is never feet friendly.
Imagine walking on the runway with a 5-inch heel. I can imagine that it is never easy. It requires rigorous training and expertise before someone will be able to walk with it perfectly and beautifully. There is even one time where the heels of the models had a defect and all sizes were cut into 2 sizes smaller. I can’t just imagine the pain they are in while still walking glamorously in their outfit.